So I've been posting my recipes I've been making here ... because I've been busy cooking. That and nothing exciting has really been going on. I really do love cooking .. and I love having my own kitchen. I know, I know, I've said this before. It's true :)
So here's some random things..
Jeff is done working his 12 hours shifts, which has been really nice. It felt like the longest what, 1.5 - 2 weeks ever? Yep. Poor guy.
We had friends over Friday night to sort of, celebrate. We had a really fun time. The guys were great to have over. Jeff told me who was coming over and just kept naming and naming and naming people. He was making a face waiting for me to freak out I think ... he must have forgotten I'm Cathie's daughter and we love to entertain! ;) haha!! We had a blast.
Yes .. that's my brand new kitchen table in the living room ... LOL ... oh well .. they put it back before they left :)

The boys kept saying ... " I want a picture with THE WILLMANS" it was hilarious. Wanting their own pics taken with "Just me and the Willmans now ..." they kill me.
Monday was "normal" day one. I made beef stroganoff for dinner. I couldn't use the sour cream we had because it went bad (extremely fast I believe...) so I used a tiny bit of fat free half and half to give it a little cream and it worked! I was so excited.
During the day I made Jeff ground turkey vegetable soup, instead of buying all the soup we have been buying. He says he really likes it :) I hadn't made that by myself before now! :)
Tuesday was "normal" day two ... During the day I worked on the guest bedroom. I moved, unpacked and threw away boxes. I was exhausted. Jeff got home and had to rush back to work when I was pulling our dinner out of the oven (Greek Lemon Chicken). He had "duty" and didn't know it. He was gone until 10PM ... came home and slept, went back to work at 2AM and as punishment for not knowing he had duty, had to stay at work all day the next day (Wed) instead of getting the day off he was supposed to get.
Wednesday I made stuffed zucchini for dinner - I just posted the recipe {HERE}.

- We went to bed at 6:30PM Wednesday night. What a long couple of days. ZzzzzzzZzz
- Hopefully we are back on a normal sleep schedule.
- It's Thursday. I'm making turkey bacon ranch pitas tonight for dinner. This will be an easy dinner, but I've been looking forward to it all week.
- Jeff brought me home Subway for lunch!! Yay!! What a treat, really!!! :)
- I am waiting for a surprise to arrive in the mail / UPS from Sue ... I can't wait to see what it is?! Yay for something to look forward to!
- I've been working really hard on meal planning and grocery shopping to keep us under budget. It's a work in progress.. eating healthy is expensive.
- Tomorrow is Friday and we are going "down the hill" (Yep, that's what we call it.) to take a friend to the Palm Springs airport and I'm excited. We are going to Bed Bath and Beyond ... hopefully Target, just because I'm having withdrawals and dinner!
- Saturday Jeff has to work on a friends car and then we are going to be going back into Palm Springs to take another friend to the airport. But again ... hopefully we will get a nice dinner out of being down in town!! :)
- Later I will be working on my shopping list for next weeks meals. So far I think I'm going to make zucchini lasagna (again .. it was a HUGE hit), possibly meatloaf with potatoes, a pronto pasta bake, chicken gnocchi soup and loaded chicken and cauliflower casserole. I also would LIKE to make some snicker-doodle cookies and this "carrot, apple, zucchini bread" that I found on pinterest.
No .. I've never made any of these before - it's going to be a big week! :)
- Lots of talk about food huh? Yep ... that's how I roll these days ;) At least it's healthy!
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