We're moving to Twentynine Palms, CA ... the Marine Corps base is called MCAGCC .. short for Marine Corps Air Ground Command Center .. say that three times fast!
First we bought this truck :) making my husband the happiest guy in the world... |
After a whole situation with Uhaul (I'll prob never rent with them again) .. we FINALLY got on the road. |
We towed my car .. all the way to CA! |
We saw Iowa ... LOTS of corn. LOTS. This was the second day. The first night we drove almost the whole time in the dark so there wasn't many picture opportunities. |
Corn, corn, corn |
Day 2 we saw Nebraska! |
We tried to stop at MULTIPLE steakhouses on the 4th for dinner ... each were closed. We settled on Outback, because we wanted an Omaha steak! We also were driving when normal people were celebrating the 4th with fireworks. I thought this might suck ... but really, we could see every town on the way out of Omaha lighting off their fireworks. The whole horizon was lit up! It was beautiful. Too beautiful to get in a picture. I tried. |
Just try and tell me this guy isn't adorable <3 |
On the road again .. I can't wait to get on the road again .. |
Crossing the Mississippi River! |
Crossing the Mississippi River! |
Colorado was incredible. We went from tons of flat farm land full of corn to mountains and it was unlike anything I've ever seen. |
It rained a little bit when we got into Colorado .. see the mountains in the background? Those aren't all clouds back there! |
There were so many different variations of mountain. Some green, some sand, rocky, mountainous, it was truly beautiful. |
The tunnels right through the mountains were unbelievable. |
Denver! |
We drove through Vail! |
Yep! The car's sill back there .. and so are the mountains! |
Jeff brought his laptop! It's hard to see in this picture, but I'm watching a movie. It was such a nice distraction at night. |
Bye, Colorado! Love you! |
Utah was pretty impressive too. I was shocked. |
We stopped at a rest stop and climbed a little baby mountain (which is really a hill.. work with me here) We were so glad to stretch our legs. |
We saw Arizona for a short time, on the way to Nevada... |
California! Our new state!! |
On Route 66, the last gas station for miles was charging over $5 per gallon. They were the last stop for what seemed to be forever. It was super tacky on the outside and the strangest little store. We went inside and I was already in a foul mood because of the price posted outside. Everyone INSIDE though, seemed to be happy. I wondered if they'd all been drugged. Then I saw this sign on the counter .... well played "Oasis Gas Station" .. well played. |
Almost to our new home!!! |
(new) Home sweet home! |
Yep! You read that right!! I now live with my husband!!
It was a long four day road trip .. there are very few people I could survive let alone enjoy being in a car with for over 32 hours.. but this guy is one of them. It was well worth it, we had a blast making the best of it and seeing our beautiful country!
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