Last week we went to the "welcome aboard" presentation for people who are new to the base. It was really nice. We listened to a presentation and then were able to walk around to the different tables / booths for different groups. I'm really glad we went. I have done a lot of research online about MCAGCC but talking to PEOPLE about it is much different than reading things online.
We stopped at the MCCS booth which is Marine Corps Community Services. They do everything. They put on all sorts of events for couples, moms, spouses etc. They even gave me a free copy of "5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman (which I LOVE and can't wait to read again). They put together groups, help with job searches and even make sure there are classes at the gym. It was a really fun stop.
We also stopped at the Tricare booth, which is our military's insurance. I had a few quick questions for them and they were so sweet. I swear they didn't want to let us go, they were telling us all about the area and fun things to do too!
We stopped at a lot of different booths and got a lot of pamphlets but I'm really excited about the information they gave us. Even Jeff admitted to being happy we went .. and he DIDN'T want to go :)
We got our first piece of mail since the last time I've written!! It was a package from my Aunt Terri and Uncle Steve! How perfect is this!?
Since last week we have been down the hill to both Yucca and Indio to do some shopping with gift cards we still had. I think that kind of stuff is best on the weekends. Leaving right after work to go down the hill and coming back home makes for a long day. It's much more enjoyable and we don't have to rush! We even saw a beautiful mountain sunset on the way home!
We found out our shipment will be delivered THIS Friday! I'm VERY excited about this .. I can't believe our truck full of things is finally going to be here. I also can't imagine this house filled with all of that stuff, haha. We are so used to having two plates, two forks, two cups, two towels, two hand towels, etc. that it will be kind of weird to have cabinets filled with things!
On the way out of the house the other day, Jeff heard something under a bush. I thought it was the sprinkler but it turned out it was this little guy! He was stuck in a mailer bag underneath the bush ... he probably saved his little life! It had to have been SO hot in that plastic bag...
Today I went to my first spin class on base. I really liked the teacher and will plan on going back next week. It was much different than I'm used to with so many men, but it wasn't a big deal. I was SUPER anxious about going though. The class is hosted at the "East Gym" which is at the top of the base .. and is where a lot of weight equipment is held .. so to me it's a "guys gym" and I don't tend to hang in those much! :/ It was a bigger deal in my head than it was when I got there.
I also researched some Zumba classes in the area and will be trying one out this week too.
I don't think I mentioned but I met a friend at the pool .. we've been meeting up at the pool during the week while the husbands are at work. She's younger than me but very sweet and it's so nice to have a Marine Corps Wife friend! They are leaving in September. She is a nanny and I could possibly be taking her job when she leaves. Speaking of the pool ... we had free popsicle day at the pool last week - #awesome
I saw a desert quail ... they run so fast I can't believe I snapped a pic. I was sitting in my car in the carport when I took this, right outside our house!
I ate a happy omelette <3 Yes we are still striving to eat healthy .. we even signed up for Weight Watchers again and so we have the apps on our phones to scan things and looking things up to making it easier :)
We went to a free Santana cover band concert at the casino right down the street from us .. and Jeff won at the blackjack table!! Yay!!
Last but not least .... my addiction these days. Sugar free Watermelon Punch ... unreal. Delicious. I crave them. I can't even tell ya how bad I need one of these. Jeff doesn't even have to ask anymore, he just pulls into the 7-Eleven every night on the way home from whatever we have going on. AND a bonus ... if you have their app for your smart phone, they are giving away something free everyday for the rest of the month (I think?) .. You name it and we've gotten it free. Cookies, M&M's, ice cream bars, Slurpees, Big Gulps ... I've been saving my points each day to have whatever they're giving out!
Yea ... that sucker's empty, because I couldn't even take the pic before I killed it :) |