Welcome to my weekly Project Life Tuesday Post!
I am SO excited for this week - I've actually gotten my pictures printed, if you can imagine that! :) I've put (almost all) of them in my album and we are ready to go! Yes, my pictures including Sunday are a little ghetto - I fudged them so they look like it's there ... it's not - YET! But you can see where I'm going with this. I hope you enjoy it.
I've included some pre-typed journaling in the journal spots (created by Photoshop), as well as smaller pictures. Saturday I didn't have a picture so I just cut some of my "extra paper" that comes with the kit and taped my movie stubs to it :)
I am SO excited for this week - I've actually gotten my pictures printed, if you can imagine that! :) I've put (almost all) of them in my album and we are ready to go! Yes, my pictures including Sunday are a little ghetto - I fudged them so they look like it's there ... it's not - YET! But you can see where I'm going with this. I hope you enjoy it.
I've included some pre-typed journaling in the journal spots (created by Photoshop), as well as smaller pictures. Saturday I didn't have a picture so I just cut some of my "extra paper" that comes with the kit and taped my movie stubs to it :)
That's my album! Below are the details -
Monday I took a picture of the kids shoes all lined up in a row. They usually toss them over the baby gate, but they lined them all up by the front door today. Too cute how their little minds work.
Tuesday We were beyond excited that we won Game 6! RED WINGS WIN 3-1! Let's go boys!
Wednesday Jeff had softball - love these boys. We WON this game which was also very exciting ... well - for me, as one of two cheerleaders for the team ;)
Thursday I decided to go on a mini photo shoot. I walked around the yard and took pictures of all the flowers. Here's the other flowers I took pictures of! Check it out! Leave some comments!
Friday I went shopping with Haley. It was her first day off of school! It's gonna be another flip flop summer! I found these awesome 50% OFF coupons online and Old Navy didn't know what was coming! I got some awesome deals!
Saturday the rain came in and I stayed in all day. I read my book, stared at the computer and TV entirely too long .. you know how those days are. Laundry days. Then later that night we went on a movie date night. We saw "Bridesmaids" (clearly my choice) ...but it turned out to be hilarious! We laughed through the whole movie. (Note: Do not see this with your parents. While Jeff and I can sit and appreciate the humor together .. your parents may not think this crude humor is as funny as we do)
Sunday Jeff took Haley and I to the Hoedown! 99.5 WYCD puts on a FREE concert in Detroit in Hart Plaza and BIG names come ... we went Sunday and saw Jason Aldean! Are you jealous yet? It was awesome. It was even better because it was raining and Sunday so that in itself weeded out a bunch of people! This picture doesn't make it seem as though we were too close to the stage, but it was GREAT! HOEDOWN - we had a blast.

Check out The Mom Creative site by clicking the above logo - to see more Project Life Tuesday participants!
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