Hey There! First of all: I am loving Project Life Tuesday. It really is helping me stay on track (or close to it)!! I also love to see all of the other ladies ideas and ways of doing things - it is a truly awesome community of women.
Second of all, -- HERE -- is a link for my post from last week since we didn't link up :)
Comments and suggestions are not only loved but requested!!! Let me know what you think or if you have a better idea .. something you are doing - or just to say "hi"! I love to know you swung by!
Okay, so to start - I DO have album pictures ... two weeks in a row (a small miracle). I always appreciate when people put their album up so I can see their actual book ideas, but now I appreciate it even more because I'm realizing how seriously difficult it is to have done in time!! ;)
So, away we go!!
I am really loving the rounded corners look to match all the paper and journaling cards.. what do you think?
I really love the Sharpies that I'm using to highlight things and make headings.
Here's a long journaler by Ali Edwards which I think is totally awesome - details from my first psychic reading (lol) that I don't want to forget!
I didn't take a picture of my psychic reading because it was nerve racking enough ... so here's the chicks card with another Ali Edwards overlay. See? They aren't just for pictures!
Monday I finally committed to going to Rally! Premier Designs Jewelry has a conference in Fort Worth Texas in July ... super nervous but can't wait! :)
Tuesday Mom and I took the kids on a walk around the block. They needed to blow off some steam. This walk turned into a nature walk - it was super fun. Glad I brought the camera! For more click here.
Wednesday Cullen would not stop tickling my feet in the kitchen - this boy is TOO FUNNY!
Thursday I took a pic of our lilacs. We have tons and tons of lilacs around our house and when they finally bloom ... it was worth the wait! Check out my other blog post just about our lilacs!
Friday I did the psychic reading (business card instead of picture today)
Saturday I was lucky enough to be able to head out to Grand Rapids! I hung out with Bryce, Syd and Sara all day. After Jimmy Johns, Target and a few hours in the office - we got a ton of what we call "geek/nerd talk" out. I LOVED it! :) We are all into Project Life, PhotoShop, Blogger, Pinterest .. you know ...
Sunday Dad put up our American Flag. GOD BLESS AMERICA!! Counting the days until Jimmy is finally on the soil of the USA! :)

Check out The Mom Creative site by clicking the above logo - to see more Project Life Tuesday participants!