Monday night I babysat Maddie and Cullen last minute - awesome!! Here they are brushing their teeth before bed.
Tuesday I ran errands almost all day. I made my mom breakfast, took dad the lunch he forgot on the table, took mom to this Re|Purpose store she has been wanting to check out, went to the bank ... etc. then it was time for the POOL :)
Wednesday, our friend and my hairdresser gave me tickets to the Tigers game! She has season tickets and couldn't make it to this game and didn't want them to go to waste! We stayed until the end (loosing) and even got to see Don Kelly's first (and most likely only) Major League appearence as a PITCHER! Sweetness.
Thursday I had the pleasure of hanging out with these lovely ladies. It was my Thursday with the girls and this week we had a guest :) Chloe hung out with us we did a whole list of things: Bank, Park, The Green Store, Lunch with friends and swam ... over all - a VERY good day!
Friday was the day we packed and got on a plane to California! *no picture*
Saturday we woke up in California and got breakfast near downtown San Clemente .. we got a personalized tour (from Jimmy) of the base and then hit the beach!
Sunday we hit the beach at sunset - I can't remember what we did specifically that day ... but it was FUN!
note: Yes - I know Jeff is back there ...
Here are a couple of extra journaling photos I'm going to include in addition to my daily pics!
I'm linking up SUPER late ... but check out the other Project Life Tuesday participants HERE

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