I have many happy things happen to / for me in a week ... but isn't it awesome when they all seem to come at once? It's one of my favorite things. When you have good things coming and you can't even
help being happy or excited!
Here's eight happy things! Happy Friday!
My weekend started last night! Thursday night was my "Friday night"... I never drink on a week day but I had a glass of wine with my dinner and knew that Friday was a bonus day for me this week :) I even did my Friday work out yesterday so I could have all of today to myself to do whatever I wanted!
TGIT recorded for me last night ... Which means I get to watch "Grey's Anatomy" today while Jeff is at work ... and when he gets home we will watch "How To Get Away With Murder" at some point this weekend. Probably sooner than later, because we are both soooo hooked already! (SOME PEOPLE are mad at the whole "TGIT" thing ... listen .. ABC did the whole TGIF thing so I'm not even mad about it ;) It's not like they stole it from another station!)
More TV you ask? YES. "Hart Of Dixie" season 3 was uploaded to Netflix this week and I'm THRILLED to have those to watch ... I'm going to get caught up so I can watch the next season with the rest of the world #obsessedwithTV #seriouslyivebeenwating6months
This one is happy for US and not so happy for other people .. so I feel kind of bad being happy about it ... My paycheck will be a little extra this week because they needed me a few extra hours. WHY they needed me a few extra hours is sad ... but I'm trying to be happy about it! :/ Is that wrong? :/
I have a four day weekend. Jeff has a three day weekend. THAT is happy! Columbus Day is Monday so Jeff has a 72! YAY!!! I love having him home with us a little extra :) :)
SUNDAY we will be married six months already! Man, time flies huh? So ... Saturday night I have a fun little surprise for Jeff in Palm Springs. I've been looking forward to it for a week and a half. I hope it's everything I have in my head!! :)
My dress came!! I officially have my dress for the Marine Corps Ball in November .. pics to come once we go!
I signed up for this tour of the commissary thing called Cooking Matters yesterday during the day before work. It was all about tips on prices and healthy options to chose at the commissary (translation: grocery store). Things to avoid, things to look for .. etc. A lot of it was basic information, but I can totally appreciate. They actually were completely booked all day, which makes me so happy! People "into" learning about eating healthy. Then at the end ... they said there was a $10 challenge. Umm .. if you know me, I have a love/hate relationship with grocery store challenges :) So, they said you have 10 minutes to get all the things to make a meal with what you learned AND you had to have something for all the food groups. Dude, I nailed it. $5 and some change and I had yogurt, eggs, whole wheat toast, a banana and a potato. Well ... what they didn't tell us what that you get to KEEP what you picked. They paid for our groceries! I did TOO well and they sent me back to spend my other $5!! HAHA!! So funny! I went back for two packages of turkey bacon because I knew they were on sale for $2 each .. and we eat a lot of turkey bacon in my house! Free healthy groceries? Yes please! Check it out:

Okay that's all for now ... What are you happy about this Friday? Have a great weekend!
Love your list!! Especially the free, healthy grocery part- that's awesome!!! :) Enjoy your extra long weekend!