Welcome to my first post! It's official, I am a BLOGGER!
My very first post is my Project Life pictures from this week. It was a strange week because the kids were off school / not in daycare so the house was quiet and empty for a change...
I've been working on Project Life since December 2010 and have had the actual kit since March 2011 and I am *loving* it! Project Life is a great way for me to remember the fun stuff in life big and small.... inspired by both Becky Higgins and my cousin Sara Peterson (who designed my beautiful blog by the way! Thanks Sara!!)
. . . Here goes nothin!
Monday my mom and I went out for Chinese - Ginger's in Canton .. heard of it? Me neither. It's awesome! We decided that we needed to energize by getting some food in us before we started our day. I had a list of things I wanted to clean on our first day of break. Things that needed to be cleaned .. and hey - we got the house back so we might as well do it up right. I washed and waxed the kitchen floor and mom cleaned up and put away the daycare toys. It's weird to have a "normal" living room without toys and kids.

Tuesday I cleaned some more ... my room this time. Laundry, mail, laundry, dusting, laundry and more laundry. I spent all day cleaning. I filled an entire trash bag with clothes that I don't even wear. Clothes I won't even miss! Can you believe that? I still don't have extra room in my closet - I need to do round two. Later that night I went to my Dave Ramsey class (Financial Peace University) alone. Jeff helped Jake all night get as much of the dry wall up as they could. The goal was to have all the improvements done by the wedding... May 6th. I don't think that's the goal anymore. They are a bit behind. It was a rainy and gloomy day so it was a good day for all this inside work!

Wednesday the girls went out for my mom's birthday. We had dinner and drinks at Ironwood Grill in Downtown Plymouth. After that Jeff came over and we stayed up WAY too late watching the Wings game (It started at 10:30 PM). WINGS SWEPT THE COYOTES! It was an AWESOME game!! 6-3 Detroit! Woot woot! I love laying around watching hockey, football and baseball with that boy.
Thursday I went to the bank, the salon and then the grocery store with my mom. I think it's mom week. I love it, just hanging out and spending time with her is fun. We made kabob's for dinner..umm .. delicious, are you kidding me!?!?

Friday Jeff was off work because it was Good Friday! YAY and Boo (sad day)! We spent the day running errands, including IKEA! At IKEA I found this and fell in love with it. Now I want the whole set as a matter of fact.. and clearly can't afford any of it. So I left empty handed but with a wish list in my pocket - After a long day of errand running, it was raining in the car on the way home and I just thought to myself, "God, I love having him home :)".
That night we went to The Blue Tractor in Ann Arbor - they have awesome food and a pretty cool atmosphere. They even brew their own beer ..which I heard was pretty good! (I'm not a beer drinker) Check it out! We went to meet some friends (Jake & Megan, Alex & Chrissy and Jeff & Lauren) It was a really nice time.
Later that night we stopped over to Jenelle's to see everyone. It's been too long! I can't wait for the summer :) at the lake!

Saturday I prepped everything for my cousin Meg's Premier Designs Jewelry Training Show! Yay Premier Baby! Jeff and I also went for a walk - it was a beautiful day. We even took Scruffy - she LOVES to be outside. We had a great show and it was a good way for Meg to start off her business right! After that I went to Charlie's graduation ice cream shin-dig. I got a quick picture of Martha's Easter table decorations ... SUPER CUTE! Check out these baby chicks ;) She's so creative!
Sunday was Easter! Happy Easter everyone! Yes ... I am 24 years old and still get an Easter Basket ... and PROUD OF IT! :) :) Sorry the pic is blurry. Easter morning we woke up and went to the David's for a *Lovely* brunch .. then to mass and changed to go to Jeff's Grandma's for dinner. What a beautiful day! ♥
Here's my album too once I got it all updated: