
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Three Weird Things I'm Doing ...

The first thing is a "No Spend February"

I read this blog, Love, Fun and Football and they did a "No Spend January" and I wasn't quite ready yet but loved the idea. They are working on paying off their student loans and it's really inspiring. Now, I don't have a student loan but we do have a wedding and a move coming up and the more I save the better.

These no spend month's are popping up everywhere and now Kym at Travel Babbles is doing one too. I've jumped on board. I actually did February 1 but I didn't think to write about it here.

So first you write out a budget. For those of you who hate the "b" word .. that means you write down all your bills, how much they are and I included when they are due. I also wrote down all my income for the month and when they would be paid out to me. [Let's get real, I didn't write anything .. it's on an Excel spreadsheet]

I'm suuuuuper lucky so living at home, so I have minimal expenses. Phone bill, car insurance, health insurance, gym membership and gas for the car. I also added in a Valentine's day gift for Jeff and shipping - but I'm planning ahead for that and have chosen a specific amount to spend.
As for income I pretty much have 1 million jobs .. so I won't even write them all out for you. You get the idea.

Drum roll please ... My savings goal for my "No Spend February": $1,300.00 $1,000
*Update ... I didn't realize that I had a "Mid Winter Break" in February when I made this goal, so that means I am out two paychecks for one week ... let's aim for $1,000.00 and see how it goes.

Yep. I'm doin it people. I'm going to save at least $1,300.00 $1,000 this month. I'm also a save-a-holic and get totally high on this kind of crap ... so this is right up my alley. I'll let you know how I do.

Second thing is trying to wear a different shirt / outfit everyday for as long as I can

Yes, I'm a freak. Yes, this means I'm keeping track of what I'm wearing. But hear me out ... I've had to get rid of a LOT of my favorite clothes since losing my 45 lbs. Things that I didn't even wear much because I always tend to wear the same handful of things. So this is why I'm doing it:

1. It's wasteful to have all those clothes and not wear them.
2. I'm hoping to have to give all my clothes away again because they're too big again so I want to wear them first.
3. I was in a rut wearing the same stuff all the time.
4. A challenge is fun.
5. Less laundry .. hollllla!

So I've been wearing different pants, jeans, skirts etc. but obviously those I have to reuse. I have more shirts and accessories than bottoms. This challenge I've given myself is Monday through Friday, as on the weekends I am mostly in sweats or work out gear.

I've successfully completed four weeks so far. I wonder how much longer I can go.

 This ap is called "Pic Cal"

Look at all the laundry I don't have to do! I have two dressers and a closet full of clothes! ha ha!

Some of my favorite outfits so far:

The third and last weird thing I've done (not really doing) is that I made a motivation board
This is mine. What do you think?

I always see these on Pinterest and think "THAT is a cool idea" .. so I finally made one myself!

Yes, I know I should get a life. HAHA!!
Actually, I am a busy person believe it or not!

Thanks for reading my weirdness ... stop by again!


  1. Replies
    1. Lauren, I'm so glad you love my weirdness!! LOL :)
      At least it's all positive stuff, right? :) :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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