
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hello 2014!

Hello 2014!
We welcomed you in to town last night with a New Years Eve party at Halle' and Cory's place.

Everything as it should be. Us. Together. 

I'm having a rough day today today though. New Years Day. Not because I'm hung over (because I'm not) .. but because I need to get my head right. I need to be in a better place than I woke up in today... to journey up this mountain everyone else is calling 2014. Everywhere you go people are saying "2014 is going to be the best year yet!" and I don't feel that way at the moment, because I know that in a few short days my fiance is going to leave for almost all of 2014. I need to get my head right and ready for that.

I Need To Focus On:
The fact that we have something strong and special,
That I knew this was coming and to quit being dramatic,
We will hopefully be planning our wedding through 2014,
We could be married by the end of this year,
Showers, registering and other fun wedding goodness to come,
That I have a whole new set of goals for this year (health/exercise and financially),
That I have an incredible family who is always right by my side .. especially when Jeff can't be,
That "happiness never decreased by being shared" and that being positive and praying are the only things that are going to help me through this,
An amazing life together is on the other side of the tough times .. and THAT is worth it.

So ... here's to focusing on THAT list ... instead of having a pity party.. because a pity party doesn't help anyone! :)

I feel better just getting my thoughts organized after writing this!

1 comment:

  1. My brother and his gf started dating new years eve last year and he went into bootcamp on jan 7th 2013. They lasted through everything! It was a tough year and they spent a lot of time apart but we also got to see him a good bit! I hope you get to see your man a lot!! They just celebrated their one year anniversary this year :)


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