
Friday, January 13, 2012

Photo Printing Prices

Hey Everyone!

I've been researching prices for printing 4x6 prints because we all know how much I love Project Life. I'm particularly excited for Project Life 2012! If you don't know why or what I love Project Life so much for ... click here to see my 2011 posts or click here to see Becky Higgins products and descriptions!

Warning: As you can already see ... this post will be full of links - this is not to be obnoxious, but hopefully to help.

Back to the photo printing ...  you will know that this will be over 300 pictures by the end of the year and this can REALLY add up $$. If you are like me, you like to try and keep up (not always as easy as it sounds) so if I can print my pictures each week .. it helps keep me up to date. I also like to link up on the Project Life Tuesdays over at The Mom Creative, which means I like to have my pictures printed and in my album by Monday night. I usually have to print 5 to 10ish prints per week. I don't like paying a fortune **who does??** and that leads me to my research below .. hopefully this will help you? Maybe it will help you find something a little more convenient for your situation? Let me know! Leave a comment! What do you think? Note that I did not include the prepay options and or the bulk order options because that is not the way I run my PL :)

So away we go!!

Walmart has $.09 prints + shipping (charges to your home prices were not available online BUT if you have them shipped to your local store there is no charge for shipping!!) for delivery.

Snapfish has $.09 prints + shipping ($.50+) for delivery. I believe they also give you a bonus of free prints when you first sign up as well.

Rite Aid has $.09 prints + shipping (pricing unavailable on the site) for delivery to your home.

Walgreens has $.12 prints + shipping for delivery to your home.

Walmart, Sams Club & Cost Co. have $.13 prints for pick up at their stores.

Cost Co. also has a delivery option where the Ground shipping is free at the same $.13 rate.

Rite Aid has pick up, Target and Shutterfly have delivery for $.15 prints.

All of the following are $.19 prints:
CVS pick up, Rite Aid pick up, Walgreens pick up, Shutterfly to pick up at Target, Shutterfly to pick up at CVS, Shutterfly to pick up at Walgreens, Snapfish to pick up at Walgreens, Snapfish to pick up at Walmart, Snapfish to pick up at Meijer.

I did this research today, January 13th 2012 and I'm hoping I got it all as accurate as possible. Please feel free to email me or leave a comment if I made a mistake and I will correct it, as I am hoping to help others save a little money and/or find the convenience they need!

I have ordered things from Cost Co, Sams Club, Shutterfly and Walgreens and have been happy with their products ...and I will be trying the other (cheap) ones as we go from week to week to test time frames and quality of the others that I have listed today.




  1. Thanks for the info!!! This will def come in handy as I am trying to fill frames for around the house :-) love ya Angie

  2. That's awesome! Thanks for doing all the research! Looks like I'm not getting the best deal. May have to re-think my printing!

  3. Thanks for the info! I print monthly, and use They are always $.08/print, but are almost always running a $.06/print deal. Also, they offer unlimited lifetime online storage.

    1. Hi Taryn, thanks for reading and commenting on my blog! I'll have to check out Winkflash! I haven't heard of that :)

  4. Tara, it would be really nice to see a comparison of the quality vs. the price, too. Great info... love your blog!

  5. I just started using and am so much happier with them than Walmart, Walgreens and even Shutterfly. They have fantastic quality and the colors come out the way they are on my computer. I hate when I do basic editing and get the photos back with a color cast. They are $.19/each and shipping is super fast.

    1. Hi Julie! Thanks for your comment! I haven't personally tried Walmart yet but I have done Walgreens (free coupon) and Shutterfly. I have to try out Mpix .. I haven't heard of that one either. I also don't like getting back photos that don't look as they should!!

  6. Thanks for doing this research! So far I have been using Shutterfly with Target pick-up. Definitely happier with their print quality compared to walgreens, although the quality of pick up prints probably varies store to store. Obviously not the best deal but at only 10-15 prints per week it doesn't seem terrible - although it's kind of like going to starbucks, a $5 drink doesn't seem terribly expensive until you start adding it up over the year.

    1. Hi Jenni - thanks for the thanks! You're too sweet.
      I'm glad to know you like the Target photo quality - I haven't tried everyone on the list so it's good to have your input! But ... you're totally right about Starbucks - it adds up quick :)Hi Thanks for your comment and input - have a great day!

  7. Thanks for doing this research! So far I have been using Shutterfly with Target pick-up. Definitely happier with their print quality compared to walgreens, although the quality of pick up prints probably varies store to store. Obviously not the best deal but at only 10-15 prints per week it doesn't seem terrible - although it's kind of like going to starbucks, a $5 drink doesn't seem terribly expensive until you start adding it up over the year.

  8. It would be interesting to see a comparison between the costs you have researched here and the cost of printing at home. I *think* it is cheaper for me to use my printer, and it is certainly easier for me to keep up (not to mention I print a lot of photos to include in letters to non-internet-connected family members), but I haven't actually done the calculation.

    1. Hey Megan! I agree - it would be something I could be interested in. Plus as you said the convenience would be SO nice. I wish I had a photo printer but I'm under the impression that "good ones" costs are significant :( which I just can't afford. Let me know if you find something like this?

  9. Don't forget about Winkflash. They charge $.08 a print most of the time but regularly run specials for $.06 a print. Even when shipping is added in, it's a good deal.

    1. Hi Alissa! I will have to check out Winkflash .. a few people have mentioned that name and I didn't know anything about it! I'm glad to know that they are cheaper and you guys like the quality! I'm glad you left a comment!

  10. Ha, ha. I didn't read the comments before I added mine. Taryn beat me to it.

    I love the finish on my Winkflash images to. It's nicer than a typical matte finish.

  11. Thanks for doing all this research! I try to print mine when snapfish has a deal going on, but hate feeling somewhat behind when i get a huge stack of pictures in.

    1. Hi Ashley! I hate feeling behind too. I ordered my prints from Snapfish two weeks ago (ish .. maybe a little less) and they got them to me two days ago = I'M SO BEHIND and not happy about it. I have to say, I did get those pics free because I had just signed up so I shouldn't complain too much huh? Thanks for stopping by!

  12. The other thing you might consider is purchasing a pre-paid plan at Snapfish. Since you know you're going to be ordering at least so many prints, you can pre-pay and get the cost down to $.08 per print. Keep in mind, however, that this is only good for mail orders and not available for in-store pick-up so you'll have to pay shipping costs. But it's still a good deal ;-)

    1. Hi There! I haven't done the pre-paid plans with anyone because I was under the impression that when you bought 99 prints for x amount that you had to use them all at the same time. Is that untrue? Will it just take each print out of your account as you order them? I didn't even think about it! Thanks for your comment .. it made me think about this! I usually don't mind paying the shipping costs ... I just hate waiting for them. Snapfish said 2-3 days shipping and they got here almost 10ish days later... I was not impressed :(

  13. In the past I was getting photos printed by Kits Camera at 2 of their locations. There was a huge difference in quality! When I asked about it they told me that how fresh the processing chemicals were was a factor. But, the biggest factor was that one location had upgraded to new equipment. I encourage you to do a test. Print the same photos at each of the companies you are considering. Then you can decide which offers the best value and quality.

    1. Hi Lwb! Testing is a great idea. Printing the same picture at different companies - good thinking!! Thanks for checking out my site!

  14. I order from artscow....always get free prints there with periodic codes and you get so many free prints when you sign up too. I don't print photos weekly.....I aim for monthly so I have a good amount of photos to print....but do have my pages ready to slide the photos in when they do arrive.

    1. Hi Michelle!
      That's a good idea to have your pages ready and just waiting for your pictures. I usually have to have the "whole picture" in front of me as I work ... but maybe I'll try that. I haven't heard of Artscow - you're happy with the quality? :) Thanks for your comments and info!

  15. Came here from Becky Higgins' Facebook post :) For me, convenience and speed is the most important, so I can complete my pages each week. Otherwise I'll get *way* behind. And until I have pictures in hand I'm not great with planning the layout.

    So I get mine at Target, printed from Smugmug, where we upload all of our photos (19c). If I were going for quality only, I'd get them from Smugmug directly (24c) as the lab they use is AMAZING.

    But I do a weekly spread, so end up printing maybe 9-10 photos a week. It will add up over the year, but I figure that's just part of the cost of doing this kind of project :)

    1. Hi Anandi! (Love Becky's Facebook!) Speed is so important to me too! Like I said, I hate getting behind and waiting for shipping makes me crazy. BUT with that being said, I've been paying a fortune for the convenience which is what made me think about doing this research. Smugmug .. interesting! I'll have to look ... I'm glad you like their labs so much - I need to find a good medium for quality vs. cost.

  16. I am a die-hard walmart photo center fan. Always exceptional color quality and great finishing and quick!
    I did order over 600 prints from shutterlfy recently and didn't like the quality at all, wish i didn't do it.
    Never like target or walgreen's quality either.
    shutterfly is a great deal when you have coupons, etc. but i wouldn't ever frame their prints, but would use for scrapbooking purposes.

    1. Hi There!
      This is good to know, because shipping to Walmart stores (even though I don't shop there) was the cheapest in all of my research. I don't mind Shutterfly, but they aren't cheap either - so why pay the shipping and everything else when you aren't getting a deal? I'm sorry you had such a bad expirence with them! I actually had a Christmas ornament printed by them last year and hated the quality .. I called and they gave me a credit for a new one on my account. No questions asked, I didn't have to mail the other one back ... I say if you give them another try to call them and complain if it happens again .. maybe just not that many prints ;) Good luck!

  17. Where is Persnickety Prints? They are the only ones I will print from- nobody can exceed their quality.

    1. Hi Jessica! I haven't heard of them. What is their pricing like?

  18. Great post! Thanks for making me realize this is something I should be thinking about also :)
    I found that Walmart is 15c if you pick them up a week or more later by choosing "site to store".
    I print weekly and don't really want to wait to pick up my pics. So I think I will use Sam's since they are 13c for one-hour and I already go there almost weekly anyway. I'll save 6c per pic from what I'm doing now!
    Snapfish also seems like a good option if you don't mind waiting for your pics. (Don't know how fast their delivery is.) These become less than 13c per pic if you order 13 or more pictures at once. So if you're printing a couple weeks at once, then that sounds like a good option!
    But I am curious about Winkflash now after reading the other posts.

    1. Hi Kerrie! Thank you for your comment - you are great.
      I have been using CostCo a lot (same price as Sams) and they aren't CHEAP but the quick factor IS very nice. I totally agree. I guess I will have to give Snapfish another chance .. but I ordered from them for the first time and it took almost 10days to get here .. (crazy!) Thanks for stopping by!

  19. Persnickety & MPix are for sure missing, but this post is clearly cost based & they lose out on that front. I just did a comparison for myself for quality of all of my local options & the mail-order I could think of/found ..... and there are HUGE differences! Everybody's local will be different so I won't even touch that.... but if you want to keep up, Shutterfly & Snapfish are NOT your friend - they took 2 weeks to get my orders to me & the quality was "ok-Snapfish".... "awful-Shutterfly". I also did mail order Costco-awful.... local pickup for ME is good.... mail order not so much.

    I also did Mpix & Persnickety. Definitely you pay more.... but OMG are the prints awesome!!!!!! I did blind picking with a few friends & all picked those two top, and would refuse Shutterfly/Costco mail order completely.

    For locals, my CVS was 'ok', Costco really good..... Walgreens & Target - horrible on opposite ends of the spectrum (one washed out & the other super dark).

    I'd suggest if you are interested in quality, pick a picture that has some color tone variations (mine had dark, shadows, and bright lights (kid with black shirt & Xmas tree behind) and upload the exact same file everywhere using slow uploads.... then see what you get & like.

    I am going to order Persnickety exclusively unless I need it asap & the my local Costco. If MPix runs a special I'd use them too, but Persnickety has a discount at 100 prints which MPix doesn't & their 12x12s are cheaper (I do some digi pages). Cost is important to me, but these are pages I am putting money & time into & I want them to look great.

    1. Hi Heather,
      Yes I will have to check those companies out ... lots of people have said they are good - I just wonder about the price. I agree with you on the Snapfish / Shutterfly timing. I'm not pleased and DO NOT like to pay for shipping which is going to make me wait, it really erks me. I like the idea of quality checking .. but I'm more about the cost quite honestly. If it looks like my picture pretty much - I'll be happy. I wouldn't pay for anything that is white washed or darkened, but I'm also not crazy picky either.
      Thanks for your comment and info!

  20. Oh - I realized

    a.... I didn't say THANK YOU for this! The price is important too & for some ladies it has to be the most important piece. :)

    b.... I did comment on my local after saying I wouldn't... oh well.

    1. Heather you're too funny -

      a - you are welcome! :)
      b - it's cool .. I included CVS in mine too :)

  21. I printed some pictures at Costco recently and the colors weren't nearly as bright as from Snapfish and Shutterfly (mail order). I wasn't impressed, and they were professional pictures.

  22. I just saw that Persnickety Prints is going to start printing "instagrams" and they will have an instagram template for digi users! I want to order some instagram prints in the future just for variety in my scrapbooks/Project Life. They might be a little more expensive due to the odd sizes that they will be. For my 4x6 prints I use my local Costco and sometimes they run a coupon for 9 cent prints.

  23. I use Walgreens because it's so convenient. It's a bit more expensive, but about twice a month they have 40-50% off. I'd love to print at Costco, but considering the gas it would take to get there (20 miles away) it's not worth it!

    Check out my PL layouts here:

  24. I always save mine and print to Costco for pickup. I really like the quality (matte finish on Fuji paper). Also if you can wait, they do quarterly coupons in their mailer for .09 a print.

  25. I've become a huge snob about print quality - Since trying out Persnickety Prints for some digital pages I just can't go back to any place that doesn't use the silver halide process. I use PP for all of my larger prints - and for that they have amazing prices.

    I have started to order my smaller prints from If you order online and have them shipped to you the 4x6's run 9 cents each (and if you order $30 or more shipping is free) and on Tuesdays and Wednesdays if you have a store locally (here in CO our local store is called Wolf's Camera) you can get 6 cent 3.5x5 inch prints. I will never go back to walmart/walgreens/costco type places. My photos look SO much better now that I have found truly great printers :)

  26. I did project life last year and also struggled with this. I ended up using Shutterfly delivery. I found that pickup at Target or Walgreens had much poorer quality compared to delivery. Plus, with delivery, I could choose the matte option. Finally, if you have kids in diapers, you can enter points from Pampers into their 'Gifts to Grow' program and, when you earn enough, you can get free Shutterfly prints.


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