
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Good News ... and Bad News

Both the good news and the bad news are completely unrelated ... however:

The good news is: Mom, Dad, Jeff and I had all started Weight Watchers together on Monday January 16th ...... and I've LOST 10.5 LBS TO DATE (about two weeks)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eeekk! Are you as happy about this as I am??? Hopefully you aren't or that would be weird, but I am THRILLED about this.

EVERYONE is doing super awesome and we are all THAT much more willing to stick to the plan. I lost 9 the first week and 1.5 the second week (which is more like how it's supposed to go). With Weight Watchers they are all about portion sizes and how much you eat in one day. We have our WW books which tell us what foods are what points and an awesome WW cookbook... almost all veggies and fruits are zero points so you can pretty much eat as much healthy food as you want! No reason to ever really be hungry! We have also been writing down everything we eat to help us keep track of where our points are. 

I started off with 31 points per day (which is figured by a WW calculator) and now I have 29 per day since I lost all that weight. Do I have before and after pictures? No. Do I wish I did? Yea, kinda. Would I share them here? Absolutely not ;) I'll tell you another benefit of doing this together, is I think it's bringing us closer together. My parents absolutely LOVE having Jeff over for dinners. He had to work a bunch of overtime last week and they were like "aw man .. we liked having him around for dinner!" So stinkin cute. I love that they love him too.

I'll tell you what, if I can eat 3 Oreos with a 1/2 cup of milk per night and STILL loose this kind of weight .. this is the diet for me! True story. We just measure EVERYTHING out .. we bought a handy little digital scale and weigh lunch meats and chicken etc. Honestly, it's more work than making a normal sandwich / meal / etc but it's not too bad and totally worth it!

What is the bad news you ask?
 My Project Life 2012 is N.O.T. up to date ... is it killing you? It's killing me. Snapfish took forever to mail me my prints ... or maybe I uploaded them super late ... but at this point, I'm blaming them. 
I'll be working on it and posting new pics eventually .. come on .. two PL weeks in a row I was ready a day early, you couldn't have thought THAT would last for long ;)

1 comment:

  1. That is AWESOME To hear about your Lose weight! I love WW I lost 40 pds last year & still going strong. It ROCKED to reach my goal weight & learn that I can eat whatever I want & be happy & Healthy I love that it seems I've inspired other family members to join Jennifer Hudson took my song Ha... seriously WW is awesome way to go! But I sorry to hear about your snapfish experience :( BOO I love them Although I am impatient to wait to get them mailed for PL I usually print at home or go pick my prints up ha.. BUT I do take up on their deals they had that 99 cents for 99 prints SURE took advantage & will be using those pics for scrapbooking. Follow them on Twitter (I do) they are pretty good w/CS as far as I've seen (NO they haven't paid me or anything for that matter.. maybe they should..hmmm lol) Happy week to you! :)


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