
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Life Lately

Things have been crazy around here ... I forgot to write my update for last week, but as I explain what has been going on I'm sure you'll forgive me. I'll feel better once I have this post up and running, written and ready to go. I don't want to get away from writing it again, especially at this crazy/busy/exciting time in my life.

Last time I weighed in was last Monday (March 10) and I was about here:

My fitness life is truly lacking right now. I've been feeling guilty about it. I've been feeling like this is something I need to address. I don't know how to do anything but move forward in this area of life, because THAT is what I've been doing the past two years. When I haven't been focusing on it (for little amounts of time) I have always been worried that I would slide backwards.
I have been doing a great job at maintaining however while the "crazy" is going on, which is good news. I have also been feeling that if I were doing better in this area of my life right now that it might help with some of the stress in other areas.

Insert one of my best friends .. she says that our "self" is made up of three things .. physical, emotional and spiritual. And depending on what's going on, one self may get or need more attention. She thinks my emotional and spiritual sides may need some more TLC right now.

She said this to me and such a peace came over me, I can't even explain it. This makes so much sense. This makes me feel so much better about not burrowing forward but just staying where I am for this short stretch of time when I have the wedding planning and waiting going on.

{if anyone is new, my fiance is a PFC in the USMC and we are waiting for his orders so that we can get married April 12th .. yes 2014 .. and no it's not going to be a small wedding .. we want our friends and family to be there. Yes, if you're counting that is less than 4 short weeks away which is very exciting but without his orders it is extremely stressful too.}

So ... I haven't been at the gym! Don't even look for me there unless its Monday night.. because I'd die before I missed my Monday zumba class ;)

What have I been doing?
Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrll what haven't I been doing is a shorter list. But this way is more fun.
I've been:

Picking out chair covers! [actually, Jeff picked]

Chose our invitations ... not pictured because it's a surprise!!!

Registering at Bed Bath and Beyond
(more on this later .. because their customer service is truly amazing)

Registering at Target .. not as much fun ..
(more on this later .. because it was a major let down .. and if you know me, I'm a Target LOVER!)

I'm in love with these lamps at Target though .. seriously!!! 
(yes their on our registry)
Choosing our bedding.. which was tougher than it sounds.

Went a little nuts with the scanner .. because how often do you get to do this?!!? 

Fell in love with our couples shower invitation ...

And then again when I saw my bridal shower invitation!!!

 Labled invitations, response cards and return addresses

Made a million lists ... this one was actually for registering.
My mom and I went and registered for a bunch of stuff that Jeff wouldn't care about. 
Then he and I registered for things online together (stuff I knew he would have an opinion about)
I did NOT want to do it this way, but it really worked out well.

Then last weekend I got really sick ... :( Out of commission for two days almost.

Looked into unity candles .. didn't buy this one ... lol

Got my hair cut .. wooo hooo!! and made all my wedding hair appointments :) 

Went to JoAnn Fabrics with my cousin Katie to scope out their "wedding aisle" 
They have a lot more there than you would think ... check 'em out.

Put on almost every piece of clothing I own to make sure it fits .. Purple Heart was coming and apparently I'm moving across the country in a month!!! Time to get rid of all that stuff that didn't fit anymore!

Took Anthony to church ... umm yes ... I took this pic.
{mass hadn't started yet .. get off my back}

Had a bonfire with one of my favorite people

Went shower dress shopping (ALL DAY .. sorry mom .. didn't mean to wear you out!!)

Tried on like 50 dresses ... :/ 
But I got two for our showers (and under budget .. hollerrrrrr!!!)

I also:
  • Bought my wedding dress, shoes and veil
  • Had my alterations appointment
  • Dog sat
  • Picked out where we will have our rehearsal dinner
  • Went to BB&B like 4 times to look at different stuff on my list
  • Got my nails done
  • Quit my job at preschool (OMG .. so hard..)
  • Went to a friends wedding shower
  • Had dinner with my future mother in law and future sister in law to show them wedding plans
  • Bought our card box, cake set, table numbers and unity candle
  • People started getting their shower invites and texting me
    that they are so excited!!! :) :) :) 
and probably a million other things I forgot.

Now all I need is my groom ... We are so ready to close this 2,200 mile gap between us ...
We hope to get his final and official orders that say whether or not our 
April 12th date will happen .. within the next few days!!

Thanks for reading! :) 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

No Spend February - Update!

No Spend February went awesome .... for the first half of the month. As I said HERE I made up a budget (because obviously, I had expenses and bills) and then kept an "actual" column right next to it in Excel.

Things I spent money on that weren't accounted for ..

$13.00 airport parking ... I'm here to tell you, it was the best $13.00 I spent all month. I got to go inside the airport and see my fiance for about an hour and a half ... read about that HERE
No it was not budgeted for ... because it was a HUGE surprise by God that his flight connected here.

$10.15 Jimmy Johns - lunch for my mom and I ... don't ask me what was going on that day .. Apparently we needed JJ.

$4.02 on deodorant - everyone who was near me for the rest of the month thanks me for this purchase.

$8.97 on Quest bars - I was dying to try them and there was no holding back.

$7.52 on the balance of a Panera lunch {mostly a gift card paid for this} after my mom and I met with a photographer ... at this point in the month, Jeff called me and said "GO GO GO, we're getting married see what you can make happen." .. and we were starving.

$21.69 on Pei Wei for mom and I to celebrate after I bought my wedding dress {the dress was saved for and not purchased under the "no spend month"}

Then .............. I hit a pot hole. Are you freakin' serious? Yes. $217.75 later .... here we are.

If you're keeping track, that is a total of $283.10 that I spent that was not budgeted for.

BUT ... the good news is ... I still saved $1,600!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which is some wicked awesome timing .. seeing as we could possibly be getting married NEXT MONTH! ... I could be moving ACROSS THE COUNTRY NEXT MONTH ...

Crazy life huh? :)

Monday, March 3, 2014

One Pound At A Time

This morning I woke up and weighed in at a smidge above where I was last week. I'm 100% happy with it.

Weighing in .3 above last week at 140.8 means that I had a good week. I ate well, measured things and drank water. I think I told you that when I lost my 3 lbs last week it was because I was busy and hadnt been eating the amount that I should have (by accident .. I don't recommend it .. It wasn't something I was continuing)

(Sorry for the bad lighting)

So the fact that I ate this week fairly "normally/healthy" and didn't gain it all back says that I'm really at 140.8 legitimately.. Which is exiting.

My work schedule is going to be less and less so I can work more on wedding and moving things - so I'll be getting in at least one extra class this week. 

We have a lot picked out for the wedding .. I just need to get my grooms orders! This week I met with the church and Priest and our Deacon. Everything went really well and I'm feeling good about that. I met with a chair cover company and decided on them this week. I also had my alterations appointment and I pick it up on March 26th. I ordered the invitations last night (crossing fingers .. Logistically I have to order the invites first because of the timing ... I'm giving it to God and hoping that he makes April 12th happen)

Mom went with me to start our registry on Friday night. It was so much fun picking out things for Jeff and I's first home together. The word "exciting" doesn't do it justice. It was also sooo overwhelming to think that all our friends and family will be getting us these gifts.. In a good way, but still!! Hopefully that makes sense.

So this week .. I'm praying we get Jeff's orders .. And I'm hoping to be under 140 next week :)